Tuesday, October 24, 2006

5 hours in the air and 1.5 hours on a taxi, almost took me one day back from Singapore to home! 3 full days' meeting, do hard to find enough time to take a close look at this tiny country, but did find something special when on the road...

Share with you some interesting observations with a few pictures here. More photoes have been uploaded to: http://juliaxu.spaces.live.com/photos
# Paper-like Building
See the building on the left, find anything special? it's so thin as a paper, isn't it? I promise I didn't ps at all!

Yes, believe your eyes, it is exactly what I saw on the spot!

# Pink flowers everywhere

I don't know whether it is Singapore's country flower, I find it almost everywhere along the road, on street. Beautiful!

# Arab Street glance


# Ad on a bus
这是在第二天去往group dinner的路上拍的。因为下雨,所以车开得特别慢。突然发现身边一辆公交车的车身广告,做的很温馨。图片是一个中年男子拿着一只小绒毛熊,旁边的文字是:
Your first grandchild
Will he be chubby?
Will he have dimples?
SBS transit, we are all the way with you

# Nice Santosa beach
曾经去过的海南没有这么多的palm tree却有成群的兜售珍珠的小贩,所以相比之下自然更喜欢santona beach,像与世隔绝的世外桃源
在我们做outdoor activity的时候,还看到两只孔雀在周围觅食,可惜,当我们活动结束,我已经找不到它们了...

# Hotel
我们住的是Orchard road上的Meritus Mandarin,每天晚上回到房间,都会发现一个小小的干花袋在枕头上,每天都能闻着不同的花香入睡,上面的文字也很温馨:
Don't fight with the pillow, but lay down your head and kick every worry out of the bed.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006






女孩子的心就是这么细腻,一个小小的细节就能溶化她。我的记忆中,做过这件事的,就只有老爸而已.... 其实就在最近也曾经历过类似的感动,但是,感觉却只能停留在那一刻而已, 很多事情我们都是猜不到结局的, 也许顺其自然是最好

扯远了,回到这本小说吧,要不是在某次聊天中说起它然后推荐给Qing,也许它就永远在书橱的某一角沉睡了。现在,反而有一种冲动要再复习一下,还有要去看文中提到的电影"Girl Interrupted"。不知道,隔了几年后,当我再次重温这个差4岁的姐弟恋故事时,又会有怎样的新的感触呢?

To be continued...

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五个多星期没有去上课了,今天一去就听说11月底要上台演出,(据说是什么国标舞比赛让我们做开始之前的表演,所有文广的舞蹈班都会有个节目,算是汇报演出吧),老师说我们要跳天鹅湖,晕! 上次上课还只学了趴在地上扇翅膀,没想到一转眼就要上台了?! 而且只有4周多的时间排练了....

可怜我的老腰老腿啊,一个多月没怎么动弹今天就备受折磨了。为了排这个舞,从12点半一直练到近4点,队形一变再变,我们抱怨记不住站位,老师就说: “你们以为跳舞这么容易啊?多跳跳以后就不会得痴呆了! ” 汗,好吧,为了以后不得老年痴呆,再苦再累也值得ya!后来自己瞎想, 说不定到时可以穿像伞一样撑开的白白的裙子? :D ... hoho, 想到这里才真的有了动力,再累也不怕啦!

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Sunday, October 15, 2006



"To have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part".

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曾有人说想要拍下雨丝... ...

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Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Suddenly I find this blog website is also listed in google "juliaxu" search result list, ranked right after the msn space site, which is still the top. I guess the result list might ranked by click rate, anyone know the reason?

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搬来这里后,明显访问量没有以前的msn space多,access这里的方法确实没有space方便,再也不会有一个小星星提示你我又自言自语了。不过对我来说,访问量再多也不会带来任何收入,所以,not a problem for me。能记住地址且常来看的人也许才是真正关心我在做什么,关注我在想什么,或者simiply喜欢我的文字的朋友,那些只为了窥探人家隐私的人通常是不会花心思跟来这里的,所以也许这样更能让这里纯净些,我也能写得更舒坦些。

前几天看到以前同事YZ的名字改成'有谁用过某V牌某产品...",凭我曾经1年的researcher的嗅觉就知道她在找样本了,碰巧我正好最近买过这个牌子的面膜和护肤品,想着就问问看吧,说不定还有免费用那家产品的机会呢。后来一问果然是产品留置的survey,是这家的眼霜,接下来做了电话screening,今天晚上访问员就上门了。半个多小时的问卷,我还算配合的。想起以前设计问卷的时候不知道要多仔细的反复地字字句句的斟酌,其实当访问员对着我读题目的时候,我根本就是只听几个关键字的,而且用我至今尚存的research专业眼光一看就发现这个访问员其实有一点点捣浆糊的,有些地方明显就是在引导我或者用她的语言来修饰我说的话,当然我也不想直接点破她,那些都是open end question,还不至于影响数据质量的! 那个访问员40多岁吧,赚钱也不容易啊,那么晚还要一家一家跑来跑去做问卷,确实辛苦,她一定也想早点结束回家的吧! 临走时,她说:麻烦你了哦那么长时间,我们做了有40分钟了哦,我一愣,感觉应该是25分钟左右吧,不过也就迎合着哦了一句,接着她就说,如果公司打电话来问,你就说40分钟吧~~ 哈哈,看到了吧,又影响了我一把,好吧,反正我觉得她该问的都问了,没看到有故意跳过哪部分,我就留下40分钟这个记忆吧!

虽然已经不再从事research这个行业了,还是很留心这个行业发生的事,和还留在这个行业的人,不得不说能在这类公司熬上几年后学到的技术含量还有专业知识是非常高的,可是需要你付出的也很多很多,至今还记得两个在某research公司的经常加班的同事在msn上放的名字一个是"furniture A",一个是"furniture B"...

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Sunday, October 08, 2006

Am I too selfish, mr. terry wrist?

Maybe I shouldn't say yes to you for the LA trip thing, I hope that doesn't give you any special hint.

Knowing you're the most loyal reader of my blog, as well as you have the highest visit frequency even when I don't update it for days, while, which actually make me feel uneasy because I couldn't bring anything back to you or promise anything, we hv no way to get back to 5 yrs ago.... that's where my pressure come from.

If you can think of this trip as simple as a trip, I'll feel more comfortable and glad to travel with u. If you cancel it after reading this, I'll be fine anyway, no worries...

Choose to write here (hope you don't mind) but not thru msn, is no idea how and where to start this topic with u. I was selfish enough 5 yrs ago, my apologies! so I couldn't allow myself to make same mistake again. Excuse my directness pls, I have to clarify it before we on board.

Let's make it as simple as a trip, ok?

P.S. mr. terry wrist video do make me laugh, thks for recommend!

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Saturday, October 07, 2006


照片贴在msn space里了:

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Friday, September 29, 2006

It surprised me today my blog got 62 page loads, from 27 unique IP, 24 of them are repeat IP.

The most clicks are coming from an IP, and another unknown one couldn't be identified, Mozilla 5.0 and IE6.0 user, contributed almost half of page loads, hey, someone in the dark, stop hacking me! I don't want to earn click by this way.

今天一大早6点一刻起床,三刻出门叫差头,15分钟开到梅龙镇,排了n个队才进去interview房间。从8点officer们开始上班,一直等到快9点多才轮到我们。签证官是个帅哥,就问了3个问题,how long hv been working for Nike, Go to US for what purpose, and how long will stay? 估计3分钟不到就完了,跟以前一样顺利。原来以为只要是美商会递进去的都会pass的,出门听到其他人的议论才知道不是,有一堆类似国企的想出国考察的人一起被拒了,还有因为未婚而被拒的,唉,这不是歧视嘛!! 这么想来2年前能够拿到签证也真是不容易,女的,而且是单身,年纪也不小了,又是进公司才2个月.....放到今天很有可能就被拒了!

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